Buy sony stock before ps4

Buy sony stock before ps4

Posted: Ellie On: 05.06.2017

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Full of excellent links to videos, articles, and books. If I want to invest in the Sony PS4 ahead of the morpheus launch, but I don't believe in Sony as a company do I have any options? Is their a publicly traded vendor they are using for the morpheus? I think that VR is going to be HUGE, but I think Sony's other divisions will drag down the stock. Do you think VR is going to be huge enough that everyone is going to get a piece of the action? I feel like oculus or steam will be stronger contenders for VR.

I think oculus will be huge too, but I'm the prime candidate for an oculus and I've decided to go with morpheus so I don't have to drop another k on a computer than can properly use it. I think many others will make same decision.

Though I do think all will be enriched who make compelling VR products. I can't think of a recent console add-on that was really successful.

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Morpheus will be locked, just like the original Kinnect. You cannot compare them at all. VR will be transcendent. You PC gamers and your modding. Modding is tons of fun don't get me wrong, but I much prefer a system that always runs games perfectly and I play with others who are experiencing the same thing.

Plus I don't have to drop 2K every 2 years to play new games at full graphics. Lol you don't have to drop 2k every two years to play games with great graphics Maybe if you are always insistent on fully maxing out every game, but if you're fine with console level graphics then you don't have to upgrade for a long time, and definitely not anywhere close to that much no matter what you're trying to do.

This point right here. Oculus will be a 1. Plus I already have a PS4. It's funny because my wife is pregnant and said TV is bad for children until they are 4 or so and seems like one of those things I do to want to fight her about. I was about to consider fighting it then I realized I'll have my morpheus by then. All will work out. I think its worth remembering the GearVR situation.

buy sony stock before ps4

They're investing in the mobile space because they think that in the long term, that will be the predominant space. I've seen them explicitly state this in many interviews. So it's worth keeping this in mind because every decision they take is based around this - for instance sticking with camera tracking even though Lighthouse is currently computationally cheaper and potentially more accurate. It's because they're trying to nail inside-out tracking and camera vision for AR.

Like a few others have said, investing in the manufacturers would be the way to go. Sony's stock will ride the hype most likely, but probly wont make a huge impact on earnings. VR Popup shops will be the way to go actually. VR is hard to demo, the best way to get people to buy which people WILL buy after trying it , is to put the thing on. Best Buy will probly be all over this. Agreed, but best buy will not survive another years. Simply no reason anymore that amazon does free shipping on big items now.

Sony's gaming division is one of it's strongest divisions, and has been for quite some time. I think you'll still benefit from investing in the company as a whole, if you believe their vr, and by association their gaming business, will grow. They've made some better decisions recently in downsizing some of their other losing divisions and selling their building in NYC.

Presumably they'll continue on this path, and leverage their strongest offerings. I just remember back in the day if you wanted a quality TV you got a sony.

Now you can get the cheapest TV and it's still pretty amazing. I just hate to be weighed down by all that extra losing business. I want some serious gains instead of blue chip gains.

There is money to be made in VR just not sure where it is yet. Programming seems to be the best bet. Look into the company that is making the tech parts for the vr. As demand goes up they will be the ones reaping the profit without the overhead of 's of small high loss divisions.

I am going to comment with the disclaimer that this is probably bad advice but you could look into gamestop ticker: Yeah, I just can't support them.

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Plus digital game downloads will take over very soon and they'll die. I don't buy stocks from companies who business I don't passionately love.

I'd fuck the shit out Amazon, Google, Netflix, Tesla, Etc. Though I agree with you about GME, you can't exactly digitally download hardware, not yet anyway maybe 3D print your own in 50 years. Anyway you can also look into the chip makers.

Not quite sure who makes their chips. The founder of occulus rift bias obviously stated that he cant see VR working on consoles. Neither the platform power nor the delays are up to it.

Seems to be a sound argument. I dunno, I would have agreed with you until I started watching youtube videos of bloggers trying all the different demo systems.

buy sony stock before ps4

The morpheus is supposed to do frames and is supposed to be super tits. But I certainly could be wrong. There's money to be made, but most of its going to be in private equity. I do not see it being massive any time soon. It has the same issue 3d had. Yea its cool but you can't passively show it off all that well.

You need to get a consumer in a vr headset. Which is really hard to do on a nationwide campaign. I think really good VR, really really good VR is going to catch on like wildfire and change the world in amazing ways.

People already live in world of warcraft. I agree for the niche of people really into gaming or tech of course its going to do well. I still think for the average consumer its a very tough product to market.

Plus many people don't want to have to wear something to consume media. Perhaps you're underestimating how many people are into gaming. Games gross more than blockbuster movies.

Thats pretty much an irrelevant point. You have to realize you are looking at a sub section of the gaming market. Not everyone is going to care about vr or want to wear a headset. Along with that fact, that support for VR is still up in the air. You will see decently support in the beginning but if it doesn't lead to increasing sales, its will fade away just like motion controls. VR is here to stay and is going to be amazing.

It's not a toy like Kinnect it's total immersion into new worlds. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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