Make money preaching

Make money preaching

Posted: search-2008 On: 26.06.2017

The story itself sounds quite contemporary. He does this so that they will be hospitable to him after he loses his job.

To our surprise, the employer commends the dishonest manager for his shrewdness.

Why is he commended? And, why does Luke include this story in his Gospel?

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To begin to answer these questions, we can note that this parable serves as a bridge between the stories of the Prodigal Son In Luke, reversals of status are at the heart of what happens when Jesus and the kingdom of God appear. The powerful are brought down and the lowly lifted; the hungry are filled and the rich are sent away empty 1: But why does the employer commend the dishonest manager for being shrewd? Of course, his commendation could be ironic. Some commentators have suggested that the manager has reduced his own commission in the debts owed and that this is what is being commended.

Yet others have suggested more generally that the employer is simply commending the manager for responding shrewdly to a difficult circumstance.

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Moreover, hospitality is often provided by those who are considered religious outsiders or lower down on social hierarchies e. This reiterates a central theme in Luke. The kingdom of God entails giving up all other commitments, including the commitment to economic security As noted, Luke places great emphasis on how the reign of God reverses the status of the rich and the poor 1: These texts cannot just be spiritualized.

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Luke is talking about a different way of using wealth. So why is our dishonest manager shrewd? Even though he is still sinner who is looking out for his own interests 6: Instead of simply being a victim of circumstance, he transforms a bad situation into one that benefits him and others. What brokers short penny stocks dishonest manager sets in play has analogues with what happens when the reign of God emerges among us Old hierarchies are overturned and new friendships are established.

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Working Preacher Website Feedback. Preach This Week Craft of Preaching WP Recommends Support this Site. RCL Narrative Evangelio Index. Commentary on Luke Lois Malcolm 4 Comments. Any commentator will tell you that this is a difficult text.

About the Author Lois Malcolm Professor of Systematic Theology Luther Seminary Saint Paul, Minn. Gospel Reading Luke Dear Working Preacher Money, Relationships, and Jesus' Most Confusing Parable September 22, by David Lose. Sermon Brainwave Podcast Brainwave - Lectionary Texts for September 22, September 22, Join Profs.

Related Commentary September 18, Luke September 19, Luke Preaching This Week September 22, Gospel Reading Luke Rich and Poor, or, War and Peace Unidentified Flemish painter.

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