Form value change jquery

Form value change jquery

Posted: naatali On: 21.06.2017

I would like to trigger a function whenever user enters something in an auto-complete field of an HFE form. The structure of the auto-complete field after HFE substitution is such that it is not the value of the displayed auto-complete field that changes, but the value of an hidden input field instead line 4.

form value change jquery

I've tried to grab the change of the hidden field but apparently jQuery doesn't support it: The solution proposed in stackoverflow's link above works well if I only have one field to survey.

Anyway, I don't like the idea of constantly querying the field to detect changes. One possibility would be to change code in the htmlformentry module to fire some sort of event preferably the typical jquery one when the field changes.


Hopefully the autocomplete widget we're using supports this For some reason, the ". However, it doesn't fire when a valid value is entered. Adding support of the '.

Go ahead and create a ticket in the JIRA project for HTML Form Entry and put the PR on that ticket. HTML - Trigger the ".

javascript - change input text value with js or jQuery before submit if value is null - Stack Overflow

How to use '. How to use the. I've added the following line textField. Pull requests are welcome!

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